вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.


First of all, I want to thank David for the first semester of NES English course. My emotions are only pleasant. I think, may be David has different opinion, that my English has improved. It was very useful to write for three drafts for each essay, I really liked such system which is quite defer from school system. Also, I likes the structure of learning new themes: firstly, we have to read by ourselves the new marital and that discuss in class. Moreover, I will never forget the essay structure because we  repeated it many times. 
I want to stress that I really like to do presentations. It was so interesting to look at yourself, thank for the recording.
What is necessary to improve is speaking and understanding of English speech. I mean that sometimes it is rather hard to understand  native speakers. I think it would be useful to watch films in English. 
In addition,  I want to say that I need to do some exercises to improve my grammar because l like to do stupid mistakes. 
In conclusion, I want to thank David  once  more. 

вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.


Do you feel the Happy NewYear mood? As for me, I feel, and my thoughts are around the question where it will be the best place to celebrate this holiday. It is very important decision because everybody knows that as you see the New Year in as you spend the hole year.
Doubtless, it is very important to decide what the program of the New Year party will be. If you organize celebration at home or in the countryside you need to think about some activities because it is very boring just to sit behind television watching the president's speech and eating salads. You program of course need to include things that I mentioned above,because it is like a tradition. Nevertheless, there must be some funny contests, disco, exploding firecrackers, playing snowballs and so on. As for me it is interesting to organize thematic party. Just imagine: your friends wear thematic costumes and the place of celebration is decorated in the special way.
Ideas of the New Year party can be very different, but what is more important is your friends or relatives, after all, they will make your party special. To celebrate the New Year together with loved people is priceless.
You decided where, how and with whom to celebrate the New Year. Also, there is one more point - presents. It is necessary to think about them in advance, otherwise you will fell yourself uncomfortable presenting nonsense.
I hope everybody will enjoy the magic night!

вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.


   Argumentative essay was the hardest essay assignment through the first semester. Moreover, argumentative writing took much more time than our previous assignments. It is not surprising because we need to find some extra information to make our essay more complete and interesting. Also it is the hardest task because coincide with a lot of others deadlines.
   My first draft was not my best work because I did not work carefully on the stricter and I think that it was not very easy for my peers to understand my work. Nevertheless, Telman was agree with my topicJ.
   To prove my argumentative essay I need to work on my organization, to state topic sentences more clearly and to add one more paragraph. Also, I need to think about the sources which I want to include.
   If we are talking about the strengths I can point out my arguments because I think they are quite convincing.
   The last essay differ from essays that we wrote earlier: there are some differences in the organization and in the process of working on it.
    In additional I want to say that Essay #5 or rather our marks for it will influence our grade, so it is very important work.

вторник, 4 декабря 2012 г.

12. Granny

   She was an amazing woman! Her name was Irina Arkhipova, so it is one of the reasons why my name is Irina. I cannot say that she was a typical grandmother. I never saw her at the kitchen, for example, cooking patties or borsch. I think that grandmothers usually play with their grandchildren, but it is not about my granny. Why it is so? I need to say that my granny was, but I prefer to say is, a great opera singer and she worked at the Bolshoi Theatre.
   Actually, her biography does not begin with career of a singer. Firstly she was an architect and there are some places in Moscow constructed by Irina Arkhipova. If I remember correctly one of the MSU buildings was build with her help.  But the main chapter of her biography is about opera and her opera heroines.  Of course, I saw operas with her participation in the records only, but it was amazing. I think, rather I believe, that many of people know opera Carmen, my granny’s career begin with a role of Carmen and she sang it together with a great Italian tenor Mario Del Monaco. Also, she was one of the singers who were invited to sing abroad. I can type here all her biography, but it does not make sense, one thing that I want mentioned is that she influenced my father, so he is an opera singer, too.
I love and miss my granny very much.

понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.


Employers do not want to engage students because they do not have special experience. Therefore, students wonder where they have to receive such necessary experience. 
Today many of companies offer internships for students. The main problem is that internships are usually unpaid. Should students spend their time on preparation for the real job, but without wage? Anya Kamenetz in her article "Take this internship and shove it" said that internship is only simulation, but not a real practice. Moreover, she explained disadvantages of unpaid internship and made it clear that students can only waste their time during internships. I do not agree with her position.
In my opinion it is essential to apply for internships because you will find out a lot of useful things at the time of your practice. Of course your success depends on your efforts so it is absolutely ok if you work free. You need to work for skills but not for money. Jennifer Halperin in her article "No pay? Many interns say,'No problem'" wrote about advantages of unpaid internship. She mentioned experiences of students and there was a very interesting phrase "unpaid internships are worth it because you are building experience and contacts". 
The main goal of internships is to gain experience and professional skills.

понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.


   "Women's place in the kitchen" these words often say men when they arguing with some women. Women often can be aggrieved about these words, because they want to show that it is not their only ability. I agree that we can do much more than cooking, but it is wrong to apprehend cooking as a routine. 
   I really enjoy cooking, particularly something not common like omelet. My personal history of cooking began when I was about 12 years old. Once we, me and my friend, decided to find any recipe on the Internet and try to cook it. To tell the truth we made something look like oatmeal instead of cake. It was our first attempt to become cooks and we continued our experiments. 
   Of course I cannot say that I am excellent cook, but I liked to make something delicious using ordinary products. Also I liked to find new recipes, make something that I have not done before. For example, three weeks ago, me and my friend, find out that it is not very hard to make sushi and rolls. 

   I think describing all of my cakes, deserts and so on, will take a lot of time, so it will be better to share some photos.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.


   Today I want to compare my two friends and to find out their similarities and differences.  I have never thought before about them in detail, so it will be quite interesting. 

    I don’t want to mention their names; I think it will be more correct.
   The point I want to discus is their characters. D is rather funny girl, she is always ready for something crazy and if I want to write a book about our stories with my friend D its size will be as large as the size of «War and Peace» by Leo Tolstoy. D is very friendly and reliable person, so I can pin D  ̓s hopes.  D is a rectilinear person and she wouldn’t keep silence if she doesn’t like something.
   What about my friend L? She is quite shy and you always need to stir her up. She is very considerate towards her friends and I know if I have some problems I can ask her an advice. As a contrast with D she is more inclined to adjust to a situation than to say that she doesn’t like something.
    I cannot say that my friends are similar to each other, but they have one great common feature – me as a friend.