суббота, 30 марта 2013 г.


   I decided to begin the second semester blog with Michael’s topic about the earning money. Of course, I didn’t have a permanent work, but I had some real little works with real money.  So, I want to share with you my experiences.

   I was about 13 years old when my friend’s mom asked me to work in her office. My job was to glue stickers on her production. Oh, I didn’t mention what it was a company:  her company designed caps, plates, clothes, bags and so on with images of Disney characters. If I remember correctly my salary was 150 rubles per an hourJ I worked there two days. 

   When I was 14 I worked two days giving out to people leaflets (it was opening of the restaurant “The floor” in Evropeyskiy). If you think that it is very hard to distribute your leaflets, you are wrong. It was quite funny, and my salary was about 1200 rubles per 8 hours.

   The most impressive work was in the Crocus City Hall. I took part in a performance called “The Gladiator”. There were real fighters, dancers, even a bear and a snake was there! Also, my dad played a role of a referee. Moreover, Nikolay Tsiskaridze took part in that performance. My job was to carry trays with some bread and bottles of wine, walk but-and-ben, take part in an orgy. To tell the truth, I received much more than I had expected about 2500 rubles.

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