понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

6.Silly Beliefs

   Thinking about Andy’s topic I understand that for people it is necessary to have their own beliefs which may be strange or silly for others. Why it is necessary? Because beliefs make our life easier and help us to manage with some problems. 

   Instead you asked to write about silly beliefs, I am assured that my silly belief really isn’t silly. Moreover, I read a book called “Secret” that have confirmed my views.  So, I believe that our thoughts can form our reality. For instance, if I am afraid of a public appearance and I convince myself that I will fail, so I will.  

   People’s thoughts are more powerful than they might seem.  I can’t say that they have some magic power, but of course they have something inexplicable that influences our reality.

    I believe that we need to think only in positive way because if we begin to deny something it turns against us. Therefore, it is better to say, “I will pass an exam” instead of “I won’t be overburdened”.
We and out our thoughts are like a magnet, so it is better  for us to try to think carefully about everything. Also, I want to remind the proverb “be afraid of your desires, they can come true”.

1 комментарий:

  1. I like your metaphor about the magnet; it really feels like thoughts have power over us sometimes, instead of the opposite being true. That is good that you are aware of how your thoughts form your reality. I try to get better at that, but it is challenging.
