понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.


Have you ever performed in a play? Are you a good actor? Write about your theater experience.

It was quite hard to choose one theme for blog#5 because all the themes are interesting to write about. As you can see I chose Tim’s topic about a theatre performance.

I enjoyed lots of school plays, but I want to describe my first acquaintance with a big stage.

For my family a theatre is much bigger than just a word. The theatre is a great part of our life. You can be surprised, but I performed at The Bolshoi Theatre at the age of six. Naturally, I did not dance or sing, my task was to be on my knees before somebody and pray for him. My father rehearsed with me at home because I needed to stay on my knees about 20 minutes, and for a little child it was not easy.

 I became so nervous when I decided that I need to be on such a big stage, and lots of people would be in an auditorium. I remember that feeling…it was breathtaking! I Also, I was happy to wear a beautiful dressJ

I cannot say that I am a good actor, just amateur, but my friends often said that I could be an actress. I really like the process of preparing a play, much more I like the feeling when you are standing behind the scene and you need to make a step on the stage just after a minute. It is wonderful! 

пятница, 15 февраля 2013 г.


Would you prefer to raise your children in a big city like Moscow or in some more quiet place like Moscow region or farther?

 It is quite strange to think about my future children because I cannot imagine myself now as a serious mother, or rather I am quite afraid of it. Nevertheless, one day this imagination comes true. 

I have already thought about me children’s education, but never about the city where it would be better to raise them. Of course it depends on where I and my husband will be live. By the way, I cannot exclude the possibility that we will be in the other country.  I think that a big city can offer bigger list of opportunities for life. It is necessary to remember that our future children will have more difficulties, because our world becomes more complex. Sooth to say, people from big cities are more nervous, they live in the other rhythm of life which is called up-tempo, they are just crazy. Maybe it will be better for children’s health to live somewhere with forests, lakes and without exhaust, but it is possible to be healthy even in such city like Moscow (I think the problems with environment are obvious).

To tell the truth, I can’t imagine myself living in a small town just because I used to live in crazy Moscow. It is good to visit Moscow regions or other quite places, but I prefer to raise my children in a big city.

понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

3. About the signs of the zodiac

Do you believe in horoscopes? What is your sign of the zodiac? What are its typical characteristics?
I was very glad to see this theme in the list which was offered by Liza. To tell the truth I don’t really believe in everyday horoscopes that we can read in the newspapers or magazines, but I believe that all characteristics about the zodiacs are truthful.

   I can say that it very useful to find out information not only about your personal zodiac, but about the others too.  Of course, if you see that one sign of the zodiac is not right for you, it does not mean that you need to run away from people with this sigh, but you can be more careful with them. I have a lot of my own examples that not all signs are compatible. I am talking about both just human and love compatibility. Also, I think it is easy to understand the person when you know something about his sign of the zodiac.

   My sign of the zodiac is Taurus.  Each sign has both good and bad points, so I mention several of mine. First of all I am very stubborn, and it is hard argue with me if I think I am right, but I like to obtain justice, so I can admit my mistakes. I am not a mercantile person, but I do not like to spend money for the rot. Nevertheless, for my relatives, close friends I don’t mind about money.  What can I say else? If I fall in love, it is serious, I mean that I think that it is better to be alone that with just anyone.

 I want to give one advice: you should not carry hand-book about the signs of the zodiac and look through every time when you meet new people, but to know something general is very useful.