понедельник, 15 апреля 2013 г.


On Tuesday we watched a short film adaptation of "The Lottery."  Did you like it?  Why or why not?  If you were directing a film based on this story, what choices would you make?  Would your version be similar to or different than the version we watched?  Explain. (David’s topic)

    "The Lottery" was not a scary film like others films of this type. Nevertheless, it was quite hard to watch it. I’m embarrassed to give a definite answer whether I liked it or not and I am going to explain why.
    On the one hand, “The Lottery” touches you very strong, as it is the main goal of the film. In addition, the main theme is very serious, and it is impossible to stay calm after watching it. To tell the truth, when I was reading the story, watching the film, I could not believe that it was a normal and ordinary situation or tradition those days. How it was possible to organize such a lottery? I can’t answer on this question even after our class discussion.  So, I may say that I liked the film because it really affected me.

    On the other hand, I hate “The Lottery”. I left our English class very upset because I did not like what we have been watching for the last 15 minutes. It is the cruel film about the cruel people who cannot do anything against the system and continue to kill themselves. They are strong to follow this tradition, but they are weak to break it. That is why I didn’t like the film.

    If I were a director, I wouldn’t change anything.  It would be similar to the version we watched because I have nothing to add to make it more influential on people’s mind and thoughts. 

1 комментарий:

  1. I thought it was particularly grim when the woman was trying to defend herself, saying "you didn't give him enough time" and stuff like that, and the people didn't say anything. They just stared at her, like they understood why she was so upset, but they also knew they were going to kill her. This moment seemed particularly realistic to me, and for that reason it was even more scary. In some ways I think "The Lottery" is more frightening than "1984" because the world in the story is closer to reality.
