понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.


Last summer my family and I visited very picturesque and  beautiful island called Cyprus. I can say that I have fell in love with this place, maybe because of it's atmosphere or because of beautiful corners of the island.

Looks like…If we talk about appearance of the Cyprus,  the nature of this wonderful place varies from  coniferous mountains to sand beaches. There are a lot of small towns that summon tourists with its unique cosiness.

Sounds like… We lived in hotel apartments and in our main restaurant every day played Greek music, and after we had returned to Moscow I tried to find one in the Internet, but it wasn't successful.

Smells like…There we rented a car for a week and one day we  went to the mountains called Troodes. The road passed among the pine forests and the smell was amazing, especially after  Moscow J

Feels like…Cyprus makes you feel free, you can fly away of your problems. People there are very open and it seems that all of them are absolutely happy. And you feels happy too.

Tastes like…We lived on the Greek part of the island, so it would be unforgivable not to try  national food Meze. We have tried fish Meze which consist of cold collations, five (or so)  types of fish  and Greek ouzo.

It was the best family holidays for me, that ̓s why it is a very special place.

3 комментария:

  1. Yes, I remember that you talked about Cyprus the first time that Stephen and I met you. It sounds like a nice place. Didn't Cyprus have some political problems in the past, though? It sounds like you didn't notice any problems while you were there at least.

  2. I've been to this place too, that's why I can easily understand why you felt in love with Cyprus!

  3. My father uses to go to Cyprus and he likes it a lot. He rarely goes somewhere abroad so these ten days that he spends there he just enjoys the totally new surroundings, the wild nature, the opportunity to be alone. He lives there in a cottage of our friend, so it usually likes that: my Dad calls and asks whether the house is free or not for that time and in most cases it is! Our friend has lots of cottages and flats all over the world, so he can't visit all of them really often.
