понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.


  Hi, David and everybody!

  It is a first blog so I need to introduce myself. My name is Ira and I am a student ( surprising, ist it?) I  was born in Moscow eighteen years ago.  I have a  wonderful family due to which I am the one who I am.
  I graduated from high school and I have only marks five in my certificate but  I cannot say that I was always  so industrious student.
  I really love to be on the stage, but I am not an actress, I just like this process of preparing, feeling nervous and  being on the stage.
  Also, I really like to dance. It is my main passion.  I devoted  myself to ballet, hip hop, and  a little latin. Now I am a belly dancer.
  I  like to study and because of this I have chosen this faculty. I think it is very interesting to get a new experience in various fields.
  What can I say about my  expectations from this class, is that I hope to improve my English skills especially in speaking.  I think is very good that we have to speak only in English in our class  otherwise David will punish by additional homework.  
  In conclusion I wish good luck to everybody and I am sure that we would have enjoed to learn English together:)

1 комментарий:

  1. Thanks for introducing yourself, Ira. I thought it was interesting that you said that you like being on stage even though you're not an actress. Next semester I think I'm going to design and teach a 300-level English class that will focus on theatre. In this class this semester, we'll also do a couple of oral presentations, which is kind of like being onstage.

    Good luck this semester! I look forward to reading your next blog.
