понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.


Last summer my family and I visited very picturesque and  beautiful island called Cyprus. I can say that I have fell in love with this place, maybe because of it's atmosphere or because of beautiful corners of the island.

Looks like…If we talk about appearance of the Cyprus,  the nature of this wonderful place varies from  coniferous mountains to sand beaches. There are a lot of small towns that summon tourists with its unique cosiness.

Sounds like… We lived in hotel apartments and in our main restaurant every day played Greek music, and after we had returned to Moscow I tried to find one in the Internet, but it wasn't successful.

Smells like…There we rented a car for a week and one day we  went to the mountains called Troodes. The road passed among the pine forests and the smell was amazing, especially after  Moscow J

Feels like…Cyprus makes you feel free, you can fly away of your problems. People there are very open and it seems that all of them are absolutely happy. And you feels happy too.

Tastes like…We lived on the Greek part of the island, so it would be unforgivable not to try  national food Meze. We have tried fish Meze which consist of cold collations, five (or so)  types of fish  and Greek ouzo.

It was the best family holidays for me, that ̓s why it is a very special place.

понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.


   What’s the price paid by women for beauty?
   Nowadays more and more girls refuse to eat because they think that it is very important to have a good shape, to be very thin and to have some extra weight it is like the end of the world. It is hard to argue with them, but the problem is that a major of them do not control the degree of their insanity. They just forget about simple rules of being in a good shape and begin to starve. And this is the main mistake, because after such bullying girls achieve their goal only if they say goodbye to their health.   
    Many dietitians and experts recommend do not go crazy about your body , but to follow next rules: you need to eat, but only healthy food instead of chips and burgers, you need to do some sports, and what is more important you need to love yourself. Moreover, if you like cakes, chocolates you can permit yourself to eat them, just remember about the quantity. 
    I think this problem is on a par with smoking, alcoholism, with problems that hinder youth in their life, that is why I am writing about it. It may not seem very serious, but in fact the consequences can be very different.  So, girls, we need to be beautiful, but more important to be healthy.

понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.


  Hi, David and everybody!

  It is a first blog so I need to introduce myself. My name is Ira and I am a student ( surprising, ist it?) I  was born in Moscow eighteen years ago.  I have a  wonderful family due to which I am the one who I am.
  I graduated from high school and I have only marks five in my certificate but  I cannot say that I was always  so industrious student.
  I really love to be on the stage, but I am not an actress, I just like this process of preparing, feeling nervous and  being on the stage.
  Also, I really like to dance. It is my main passion.  I devoted  myself to ballet, hip hop, and  a little latin. Now I am a belly dancer.
  I  like to study and because of this I have chosen this faculty. I think it is very interesting to get a new experience in various fields.
  What can I say about my  expectations from this class, is that I hope to improve my English skills especially in speaking.  I think is very good that we have to speak only in English in our class  otherwise David will punish by additional homework.  
  In conclusion I wish good luck to everybody and I am sure that we would have enjoed to learn English together:)